This page contains all dialogue trees and characters names that can be found in the code of the latest version of the indie game The Upturned by Zeekerss, including unused dialogues, extracted with AssetRipper.
This contains major spoilers
For better readibility, dialogues are colored depending on whether they can be triggered during a playthrough, or are unused. Here is an example:
Use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out, and drag with the left-mouse button to move the flowchart.
Click the Reset view button to reset the flowchart size and position.
No dialogue except for "Opening the doors!".
No dialogue except for "Opening the doors!".
No dialogue because Ik is dealing with an eldritch horror at the reception.
No dialogue except for "Opening the doors!".
The different possible dialogues inside the plumbing system have specific triggers. In order to make it more legible, here is a quick layout of the plumbing system and the approximate position of the triggers, from A to L.
Note that they are symmetrical. Refer to the position of the elevator and Shrimp at the top to identify the left and the right of the layout in game.
No dialogue except for "Opening the doors!".
Mostly duplicates.
No dialogue except for "Opening the doors!".
Most dialogues are duplicates of the Library level, except for this one:
This level seems to be a test scene. It contains one dialogue tree that can be found in all other levels:
Here is a list of all names that appear on screen when locking on a character, sorted by level and by type.
Note: The type name is based on how the AIs are called in the code. For example, a Jack is called a "Mouthead", Shrimp is called "TheDog", a little chuckler is a "Spider".
Also, most bonus levels have a copy of the enemies from the original level (for example the bonus level THE CHALLENGE contains most enemies from THE UPTURNED LIBRARY), therefore, they haven't been included.